About Us
Visitswanseabay.com is the destination website for Swansea Bay, Mumbles and Gower, providing a hub of information for the area to both visitors and residents.
The site is owned and managed by the Destination Management and Marketing Team at Swansea Council. The team are responsible for promoting Swansea Bay, Mumbles and Gower both in and out of destination, attracting both visitors to the location and marketing events, venues and attractions to local residents.
As well as hosting information on the location, visitswanseabay.com also offers the opportunity for local accommodation, food and drink, attraction and activity providers to become a partner and list their service on our website for free, as well as offering event promotion and sponsorship opportunities. Find out more about about working with us here.
Contact us
We hope you find everything you need on our site, but if you still need to get in touch, you can contact us at tourism.team@swansea.gov.uk. If you have an enquiry about a ticket booking, you can contact the box office on 01792 475715 or email at boxoffice@swansea.gov.uk
This development of this website was funded by the UK Government and the Shared Prosperity Fund, delivered by the Cultural Tourism Anchor at Swansea Council.